23 July 2013

Editorial: Riding Horses and Ponies, 50 PLA Troops March Into India

By Zachary Keck

The Hindu reports that “riding on horses and ponies, around 50 Chinese soldiers” crossed over the Line of Actual Control (LoAC) into India last week, demanding that Indian forces relinquish the “occupied” territory.Zee News claims that a two-day standoff ensued between Indian and Chinese forces before the later returned to China, althoughThe Hindu indicates the standoff was of a much shorter duration.
This incursion is the latest in what has become a growing trend of Chinese incursions into India’s side of the LoAC. In April and May of this year, Chinese forces crossed over into India and step up camp inside the country for three weeks, when leaders from both sides worked out a compromise for them to withdraw. 
Then, last month, a group of Chinese soldiers briefly crossed over into the Indian side of the border and destroyed observation posts and cameras belonging to Indian military forces. China has repeatedly protested India’s construction of observation posts along its side of the border.
Earlier this month, Indian media outlets also reported that two Chinese helicopters had briefly violated Indian airspace.

Read the full story at The Diplomat