17 June 2012

Editorial: Shangri-La Dialogue - Reflections On Leon Panetta’s Address

SecDef Leon Panetta

By Tanvi Kulkarni

At the 11th IISS Asian Security Summit: The Shangri-la Dialogue (SLD), the US Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, spoke on ‘The US rebalance towards the Asia-Pacific’. The speech was filled with powerful rhetoric and dramatic punch-lines. This commentary is a reflection on Panetta’s address at the dialogue’s first plenary session.

Full marks to the Obama administration for coming up with innovative terminologies and expressions. From President Obama’s own ‘Asian Pivot’ to Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton’s ‘America’s Pacific Century’, and now to Leon Panetta’s ‘US rebalance towards the Asia-Pacific’, the democratic administration has undertaken the construction of a whole new lexicon to sell the latest policy of shifting focus to the Asia-Pacific region. Panetta’s address was focused on the US defense policy and strategy towards the Asia-Pacific.

Read the full story at Eurasia Review