18 August 2011

RoK: CFC and UNC to upgrade operation assistance

Brig. Gen. Jang Ki-yun, second from right,
Chief of Staff, Logistics, under the ROK-US
Combined Forces Command, and U.S. Marine
 officer discuss status of Reception, Staging,
Onward movement and Integration (RSOI)
 readiness posture at the U.S. Marine
 Command in Korea.
For the first time, members of the United Nations Command (UNC) held a staff talk with senior officers of the ROK-US Combined Forces Command (CFC) and U.S. logistics officers to prepare for the Ulchi Freedom Guardian (UFG) joint war drills.

General Staff of Logistics under the CFC implemented the Reception, Staging, Onward movement and Integration (RSOI) staff talk on Aug. 8 and 9 at the Camp Walker in Daegu and a Busan port.

Such talk was conducted with an aim to upgrade operation assistance capabilities on the Korean Peninsula ahead of the UFG that is scheduled to begin on Aug. 16.

Until last year, military personnel under operation commands and above engaged in joint war drills such as Key Resolve/Foal Eagle and UFG under the command of CFC. But this year, UNC members participated in UFG military exercise for the first time.

Some 30 Korean officers from CFC, Joint Chiefs of Staff and operation commands of Army, Navy and Air Force as well as around 40 U.S. logistics officers headed by Brig. Gen. Robin Aiken, Deputy Chief of Staff, Logistics Division at CFC had gathered around for the talk. Twenty officers from eight UNC countries, including England, France and Canada, also joined the talk.

During the talk, participants explained logistics assistance operations under RSOI and had heated debate on the issue. They also visited and checked facilities that are going to be used during operations.

“In the staff talk and an on-site inspection, all attendants discussed detailed implementation measures of logistics operations in order to guarantee U.S.’s reinforcement power and military support of the United Nations Command members,” said Brig. Gen. Jang Ki-yun, Chief of Staff, Logistics Division at CFC, who presided over the talk. “Logistics assistance is essential in order to run RSOI operation smoothly. It is necessary to reinforce integrated and cohesive efforts between forces of Korea, U.S. and UNC members to bolster combat capabilities.”

Brig. Gen. Aiken said that the talk was a great opportunity to build consensus on the importance of operation assistance reinforcement in RSOI. She also said that all participants took advantage of the talk to improve system on maintaining strong combined military operations.