18 August 2011

India: Purchase of AJTs (Hawk Advanced Jet Trainers)

In March 2004, government had signed a contract with M/s BAE Systems and M/s Rolls Royce Turbomeca UK for procurement of 24 Hawk Advanced Jet Trainers (AJT) and with Ms Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Bengaluru for the licence manufacture of another 42 AJTs under Transfer of Technology from M/s BAE Systems for the Indian Air Force (IAF). All the 24 direct supply aircraft have been delivered by M/s BAE systems while 28 out of 42 aircraft contracted with M/s HAL had been delivered till July, 2011.

In July 2010, government signed another contract with M/s HAL for procurement of additional 57 Hawk AJTs from M/s HAL. Of these, 40 are for the IAF and 17 are for the Indian Navy. The delivery of these aircraft will commence from 2013 and is expected to be completed by 2016.

No case of use of spurious spares by M/s HAL has come to notice.

This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Shri Dhiraj Prasad Sahu in Rajya Sabha today.