10 May 2016

Industry: Navantia signed the contract for the construction of two logistics ships to Australia

BAC Cantabria (Image: Wiki Commons)
Navantia and the Australian Government signed the contract for the design and construction of two logistics ships and keeping them for an initial period of five years. Logistic support vessels AOR (Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment), are based on the "BAC Cantabria" built by Navantia for the Spanish Navy, adapted to specific Australian requirements. 

These contracts include a significant share of the Australian industry will be responsible for the development of combat systems and communications, as well as some logistical areas and cranes cargo deck with the company Baker and Provan. 

Regarding the maintenance contract will be carried out entirely in Australia (New South Wales and Western Australia) through subsidiary Navantia Australia and subcontractors with which Navantia and has an excellent relationship since 2007, when the first contracts were signed in Australia . 

With this contract, Navantia strengthens its position as a designer of reference of the Australian navy. These two ships will join the two amphibious ships (LHD), three destroyers (DDG) and 12 landing craft (LLC) also designed by Navantia. Navantia is proud of its participation in the development of Australian naval capabilities. 

Navantia has a significant presence in Australia, including the Technical Operations Center located in Adelaide which will be key for the development of future activities related to shipbuilding, bringing the experience and knowledge to address future projects. 

Navantia remains fully committed to Australia and will continue to demonstrate its ability to deliver ships to the RAN. Navantia hopes to continue his collaboration with the Commonwealth and Australian industry.

Navantia (English Translation by Google Translate)