12 April 2016

News Story: Victimhood should not be hyped up amid reflection on Hiroshima tragedy (China's View)

BEIJING, April 11 (Xinhua) -- As Group of Seven (G7) foreign ministers lamented on Monday in Hiroshima the victims of U.S. nuclear bombs in World War II, the event should serve as a reminder that the reflection on the tragedy should focus more on its root cause than Japan's much-trumpeted victimhood.

Upon the invitation of Japan, which has ceaselessly emphasized its identity as the sole victim of nuclear bombs, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, together with his six other colleagues, made a landmark tour to the Peace Memorial Park, but had ruled out an apology ahead of the visit.

While reflecting on the Hiroshima tragedy, Tokyo could not evade the fact that the root cause of the U.S. bombing, which claimed over 100,000 lives, lies in Japan's militaristic aggression and brutal violence against other countries.

Therefore, it is Tokyo's lasting moral obligation to let that notorious chapter known by every citizen of the country and make compensations and apologies fair and square to the affected individuals and facilities, not just in Japan but also in other stricken nations.

On the other hand, Tokyo's attempt to take the Hiroshima meeting to renew the West's reprimand for Pyongyang's nuclear program will only escalate the simmering tension in the region and provocate more tit-for-tat responses from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Read the full story at Xinhua