26 August 2015

News Story: New CNO Richardson Invited To Visit China

DALIAN, China (July 17, 2014) Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Jonathan Greenert and People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) Commander in Chief Adm. Wu Shengli return ashore following tours of a Type-39B submarine and Type 22 Houbei missile boat on Lushun Naval Base. (Image: Flickr User - Adm. Jonathan Greenert, Chief of Naval Operations) >>

By Christopher P. Cavas

Outgoing CNO Greenert discusses China, Russia and Iran

WASHINGTON — Adm. Wu Shengli, commander in chief of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy, extended an invitation Tuesday to incoming chief of naval operations (CNO) Adm. John Richardson to visit China, according to outgoing US CNO Adm. Jon Greenert.

Wu and Greenert, joined by Richardson, took part in a 90-minute video teleconference Tuesday morning, the second in a quarterly series of VTCs begun in April.

Greenert told a luncheon audience outside Washington he introduced Wu to Richardson, and that Wu was complementary of the working relationship established between the US and China during Greenert’s time in office.

Wu, Greenert said, is “very interested in RIMPAC 2016 and making it work,” referring to the Rim of the Pacific exercise, held every two years in Hawaii. China took part for the first time in the 2014 exercises.

“He views the exercises as a positive step in dealing with challenges,” Greenert said, noting later that no commitments have been made.

“He really wants to come to RIMPAC,” Greenert said. “He wants that to work out. But we all have bosses.”

Read the full story at DefenseNews