16 April 2015

News Story: US$11.5bn spent by China to expand disputed Fiery Cross Reef

Fiery Cross Reef/Island

China has spared no expense on its land reclamation activities in the South China Sea, spending an estimated 73.6 billion yuan (US$11.5 billion) on expanding Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratlys alone, reports our Chinese-language sister paper China Times.

For at least a year, China has been actively reclaiming land on seven islands in the Spratly islands, which are also claimed by countries including Vietnam and the Philippines. The largest (natural) island in the archipelago, Taiping, is held by Taiwan.

Fiery Cross Reef, which has been expanded to become the largest "island" in the Spratlys with a total surface area of 0.96 kilometers, is said to have cost the Chinese government 73.6 billion yuan (US$11.5 billion), excluding buildings and other fixed equipment constructed on the reef.

Read the full story at Want China Times