16 April 2015

News Story: US military strategies directed against China - Sina

US military strategies such as the AirSea Battle doctrine and the quadrennial Defense Review are directed against China and simulate potential air strikes against the country despite Washington's insistence that the drills have no particular target, clams Sina's military news hub.

The quadrennial Defense Review 2014 said the US needs to responses to growing military budgets, territorial disputes and tension over claims on natural resources in the Asia-Pacific region and help countries in the region maintain long-term stability and prosperity. The US military's airstrikes in the future will be aiming at maintaining a leading role and defending US interests in the region, as well as establishing a regional code of conduct, said the report.

Although the US government claimed that its AirSea Battle strategy does not focus on a single country, the defense review last year named China as a major threat against the interests of other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The review said China's military is rapidly modernizing and expanding but Chinese leaders have failed to increase the transparency and openness of the country's military capability and intentions, said the report.

Read the full story at Want China Times