02 October 2014

Editorial: 10 Takeaways on US-India Security Cooperation

By Ankit Panda

Narendra Modi and Barack Obama have created some positive momentum in Indo-U.S.security and defense ties.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has wrapped up a momentous maiden voyage to the United States. On Tuesday, he met with U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House, which resulted in thecustomary joint statement. Obama and Modi had to that point spoken exclusively on the phone. Regardless of this meeting’s status as an ice breaker for the two leaders, the joint statement points to a bright future for U.S.-India cooperation in security and defense matters in particular. The two even penned a joint op-ed for the Washington Post. Below I’ve highlighted 10 observations on security that stand out from the statement and help reveal where cooperation between India and the United States might be heading. 

Read the full story at The Diplomat