23 June 2014

News Story: US missile defense system in Asia opposed by PLA thinktank

PAVE PAWS (Wiki Info - Image: Wiki Commons)

The United States is currently promoting the idea of a Theater Missile Defense system consisting of PAC-3 surface-to-air-missiles, Aegis Combat System and PAVE Phased Array Warning System to prevent a forced unification of Taiwan with mainland China, according to a report entitled 2013 Strategic Assessment published by the Academy of Military Sciences of China's People's Liberation Army.

The report said the missile interceptors the United States has deployed to the Far East are major obstacles to China successfully carrying out a war of unification against Taiwan as they have the capability to neutralize the limited nuclear capability the PLA's Second Artillery Corps has to complete its mission of unification. The PAVE PAWS long-range radar system allows the United States and its regional allies to detect incoming Chinese medium-range and long-range missiles right after their launch.

Read the full story at Want China Times