24 June 2014

News Story: Senior PLA official warns against Japanese militarism

A senior Chinese military official said on Sunday that all peace-loving people should keep alert about Japan's further inclination toward a wrong and dangerous path and the revival of its militarism.

Sun Jianguo, deputy chief of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army, made the comment at a luncheon during the Third World Peace Forum (WPF) at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

"All the countries should learn from history and aspire for peace and development, rather than clinging to outdated ideas or going against the tide of history," Sun said.

Instead of repenting and correcting the country's past invasion, Japan's right-wing leaders blatantly visited the controversial Yasukuni Shrine honoring 14 Class-A war criminals in World War II, Sun said.

He listed Japan's attempts to deny history, including revising school textbooks and reviewing the Kono statement over wartime sex slavery, revising its pacifist constitution and exercising the rights to collective self-defense.

Read the full story at Want China Times

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