18 June 2014

News Story: North Korea Cruise Missile Fuels Proliferation Concerns

KH-35 Missile at an Arms Show (Wiki Info - Image: Wiki Commons)

SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA — North Korea appears to have acquired a sea-based copy of a Russian cruise missile, the latest step in an effort to enhance its maritime strike capability, a US think-tank said Tuesday.

A state propaganda film disseminated on social media sites, including YouTube, provides a very brief glimpse of the missile being launched from a naval vessel.

Writing on the closely watched 38 North website of the US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University, arms control expert Jeffrey Lewis said the missile would mark “a new and potentially destabilizing addition” to North Korea’s military arsenal.

Lewis identified the weapon as a copy of the Russian-produced KH-35 — a sea-skimming anti-ship cruise missile developed during the 1980s and 90s.

Read the full story at DefenseNews