06 May 2014

News Story: Chinese Threat, Disaster Relief Drive Asia-Pacific Acquisition

AW159 Wildcat ASW Helicopter (File Photo)


TAIPEI — Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan are seeking a variety of helicopters, including the V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft, to offset China’s growing maritime threat in the East China and South China seas, and to deal with other security issues, such as humanitarian and disaster relief missions.

The stronger trend in Asia appears to be toward procuring utility helicopters, but attack helicopters are also in demand.

The Osprey

Japan and Singapore have expressed interest in the Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey, which takes off like a helicopter and flies like a plane.

For Japan, China’s recent agitation over the Japan-controlled Senkaku Islands (claimed by China as the Diaoyu Islands) has raised fears China might attempt to seize the islands by force.

This has put Japan’s Self-Defense Forces on notice: Improve range and capacity in its vertical-lift capability or risk losing the Senkakus, and possibly part of the Ryukyu Island chain, to China.

Japanese defense industry and government reports indicate the country is looking to procure 17 V-22s within the next five years.

Read the full story at DefenseNews