08 May 2014

Editorial: Taiwan Holds Largest South China Sea Military Drill Since 2000

By Zachary Keck

Two marine companies stormed Taiping Island in over 20 amphibious assault vehicles last month.

Last month Taiwan conducted its largest military exercise in the South China Sea since 2000, according to a ruling party legislator.
According to multiple news reports, Lin Yu-fang of the Kuomintang (KMT) party told a legislative committee that on April 10 naval and marine troops had simulated retaking Taiping Island, a Taiwan-administered island in the South China Sea.
“This was the biggest naval gathering near the islet since 2000 when the marines were replaced by coastguards,” Lin said, according to AFP. Citing a statement Lin put out, AFP also said that “a naval fleet of seven Lafayette-class and Perry-class frigates as well as tank landing ships were mobilized for the drill which practiced retaking the islet after it was seized by invading troops.”
The task force involved in the exercise included two marine companies who stormed the island using more than 20 amphibious assault vehicles. The marines were armed with mortars and anti-tank rockets. 

Read the full story at The Diplomat