28 February 2014

Editorial: Three Hidden Time Bombs in the US-Japan Alliance

By Patrick M. Cronin

The US and Japan need to align their policies on China strategy, deterrence and offensive military capabilities.

The new defense plans emerging from Tokyo and Washington, D.C. offer a high degree of convergence.  In Japan’s December 2013 National Defense Program Guidelines (NDPG) and the United States’ forthcoming 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), both allies seek to address the short- and long-term challenge of a reemerging China, while placing military forces within a comprehensive framework.  However, there remain at least three hard questions to be answered regarding future alliance cohesion: viz., how to forge a common China strategy, how to sustain extended deterrence, and how to integrate Japan’s increasingly independent capabilities, including offensive strike weapons.  Absent candid and persistent reflection on these issues, what now appear to be acceptable gaps could develop over time into deep fissures. 

Read the full story at The Diplomat