23 July 2013

News Story: LCS Freedom Suffers Propulsion Loss at Sea

USS Freedom LCS-1 (File Photo)


WASHINGTON — The littoral combat ship Freedom suffered a temporary loss of propulsive power Saturday while operating near Singapore, the US Navy reported, but the ship never lost all power.

Freedom’s crew diagnosed the problems, restarted the engines and continued operating, but was forced to return to Singapore for repairs and further examinations — but not before completing the replenishment operation.

The ship is operating from Singapore this year on a highly anticipated — and closely watched — demonstration deployment, the first extended overseas deployment for an LCS. Freedom left its homeport of San Diego on March 1 and arrived at the island nation’s Changi naval base on April 18. It was preparing to take part in a series of Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) exercises with the Singaporean Navy when the incident took place on the morning of July 20.

Read the full story at DefenseNews