06 April 2013

USA: U.S., Japan Announce Bilateral Okinawa Consolidation Plan

By Army Sgt. 1st Class Tyrone C. Marshall Jr.
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, April 5, 2013 – Today’s announcement that the U.S. and Japanese governments have agreed on a plan to reduce the U.S. footprint on Okinawa is the latest step for the U.S. and Japanese governments as they continue efforts to strengthen their alliance in the Asia-Pacific region, a senior Pentagon official said.

Amy Searight, principal director for East Asia policy in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, told American Forces Press Service the U.S. forces will remain operationally ready as they implement the Okinawa Consolidation Plan. “This is a milestone in our progress towards realigning our forces in Okinawa,” she said.

The document outlining the bilateral agreement will detail how the United States returns specific lands to Japan based on the completion of certain procedures.

“There are actually three categories of returns that are designated in this plan,” she said: lands that are available for immediate return upon completion of the necessary procedures, areas eligible for return once the replacement facilities in Okinawa are provided, and areas eligible for return as U.S. Marine Corps forces relocate from Okinawa to locations outside of Japan.

The Okinawa Consolidation Plan outlines the exact sequencing of steps needed for each piece of property currently occupied by U.S. forces in Okinawa to be returned, Searight added. The plan also has “best-case” estimates for dates for property to be returned, contingent on the conditions being met, she said.

Japan has also reconfirmed its responsibility to relocate to other facilities on Okinawa required functions and capabilities currently resident on U.S. facilities designated for return. Another important aspect of the plan identifies each government’s individual responsibilities in the steps to facilitate the land returns, Searight noted.

“The dates are characterized in a way that is clear that they are ‘no sooner than,’ … for example, Japan fiscal year 2020,” she said.

Searight said progress on the implementation of the plan will be periodically reviewed to ensure the dates are still accurate.

“We have language in this agreement that clearly specifies that the U.S. and Japanese governments agree that no further significant changes will be required for the foreseeable future,” she said.

Searight noted the consolidation plan and the realignment of U.S. forces in Japan are all part of the Asia-Pacific rebalance, announced in January 2012 in the Defense Strategic Guidance.

“I think this really strengthens our position in the long run, and it also makes it clear how closely the United States and Japanese governments are working together to make this an alliance that will last for generations,” she said.

“It should give many people in the region confidence that our alliance is stronger than ever,” she added. “It only bodes well for other areas where we can really strengthen our partnership with Japan.”

Searight acknowledged the announcement of a detailed consolidation plan for Okinawa has been a “real sticking point” in the past, and “it’s drained a lot of our attention and our political focus.”

“We’ll now be able to fully turn our attention to working together to address the big strategic issues facing the region,” she added.


Hagel Details U.S.-Japan Consolidation Plan for Okinawa

By Cheryl Pellerin
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, April 5, 2013 – The United States and Japan have announced a new plan that will reduce the U.S. footprint on the island of Okinawa while ensuring an operationally effective U.S. force presence in the region, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said today.

The plan, released today in Tokyo, is a key step forward in implementing the 2006 Realignment Roadmap. It details every step needed for consolidating U.S. forces in Okinawa and gives conditions-based dates for the land returns.

When fully implemented, the plan will result in the return to Japan of about 2,500 acres of land now used by U.S. forces. The returns are essential steps in the realignment agreement, officials said, aiming to ensure a stable presence for U.S. forces in Japan.

“Our plan calls for the immediate return -- upon the completion of certain necessary procedures -- of certain facilities and areas on Okinawa,” Hagel said in a statement announcing the plan. “The United States will then return additional locations once replacement facilities are constructed, and when a sizeable contingent of U.S. Marine Corps forces relocate … outside Japan.” The Marines will move to Guam and Hawaii, he added.

The secretary thanked Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for his personal leadership and attention to the plan, which required months of close coordination between senior leaders from the two countries and from U.S. Forces Japan and the Marine Corps.

The Defense Department and Japan's Defense Ministry will work to implement the plan, Hagel said, in concert with working to resolve replacement facility issues to avoid the indefinite use of U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma at Camp Schwab-Henoko Bay while maintaining alliance capabilities.

Progress last month on the replacement facility includes a landfill permit request filed by the Japanese government with the Okinawa prefectural government for the facility, and a Japanese contribution of $114.3 million to build facilities for U.S. Marine units relocating to Guam.

“Now more than ever, it is essential that the United States maintain a geographically distributed and sustainable force throughout Asia that can provide for the protection of Japan and our other allies, and U.S. interests,” Hagel said. “We are resolved to focus our bilateral efforts on modernizing the alliance to meet emerging security challenges in the region.”

Hagel said completion of the plan shows what can be achieved through hard work associated with the ongoing U.S. rebalance to the Asia-Pacific region.

“I look forward to continuing to partner with Prime Minister Abe and his administration to advance the bilateral security relationship of the United States and Japan,” he added.