09 April 2013

News Story: Japan’s AEGIS Destroyers Ordered to Shoot Down North Korean Missiles Overflying Japan

Kongo class Destroyer (Wiki Info - Image: Wiki)

Japan has ordered its armed forces to shoot down any North Korean missile headed towards its territory, a defence ministry spokesman says. Japan’s Navy operates four Kongo class destroyers equipped with AEGIS-BMD type anti-air and missile systems, and SM-3 Block IA interceptors, capable of defeating ballistic missiles.

japan’s Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera issued the order, which will see these Aegis destroyers deployed in the Sea of Japan, the defence official said. The official said the order, which was issued on Sunday, was routine and was being kept low-key. “We won’t hold press conferences on this order because of Japan’s policy principle that we will not be swayed by North Korean provocations.

Read the full story at Defense Update