08 April 2013

News Story: India Navy unaware of Chinese submarines

Chinese Han class (Wiki Info - Image: Wiki)
The Navy is unaware of the presence of Chinese submarines close to Sri Lankan waters as was reported in the Indian media today.

A navy official told the Colombo Gazette however that submarines, like foreign ships, can move in international waters off Sri Lanka without the consent of the Sri Lanka navy.

Headlines Today reported that the Indian Navy has strong indications that a fleet of Chinese nuclear submarines is making frequent forays into the Indian Ocean.

The report said that 22 such Chinese operations have been recorded, one as recently as February, 2013. One submarine was spotted near the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Headlines Today has exclusive access to a report from the Indian Navy to the Defence Ministry that says 22 unknown submarine contacts were detected by Indian and U.S sonar in the Indian Ocean.

The assessment is that China is the only other navy capable of operating in the area. The assessment has been confirmed by U.S. and Indian intelligence inputs.

Read the full story at China Defense MashUp