02 March 2013

News Story: Indonesia, South Korea to build fighter aircraft

JAKARTA, March 1 (UPI) -- Indonesia and South Korea are cooperating in building a joint fighter but politics are delaying progress.

The project will produce the KFX/IFX fighter, which is called a "4.5-generation" combatant aircraft, as opposed to the U.S. Lockheed Martin fifth-generation stealth Lightning-II F-35 fighter.

The KFX/IFX' s fighter's abilities are designed to be more advanced than the U.S.-built Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon jet aircraft. The KFX/IFX fighter jets will eventually be designated the F-33, with a capability slightly below the F-35.

However, the entire project will be slow off the mark, Indonesian Defense Ministry official Pos Hutabarat said.

"It will be postponed in 1 1/2 years because the recent transition of power in South Korea," he said at a defense industry seminar in Jakarta. "The new president has just been inaugurated in that country. The new government needs more data to convince the Parliament."

Read the full story at UPI