06 November 2012


Singapore is at the vortex of what we are calling the Strategic Quadrangle in the Pacific. 

The intersection of the defense of Japan, South Korea, Australia and Singapore forms a quadrangle of defense interests in providing for the security of key US allies in the region.  The US is directly or indirectly involved in the defense of all key allies in the Quadrangle, and the evolution of their capabilities individually and collectively is crucial to the evolution of American capabilities and strategy in the decade ahead.

Singapore is a non-aligned power with close ties to the United States politically and militarily and close ties with China economically and politically.  They depend on the security of maritime trade and the safety and security of the global commons.

They have built a modern naval and air force and are investing in its further modernization.  And their efforts are founded on working with Western countries and firms in shaping an effective modernization strategy.  And they are seeking to ensure that the force is well integrated and networked.  Their concept for doing so is called an Integrated Knowledge Command and Control Concept, which is their version of the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA).

Read the full story at Second Line of Defense