09 June 2012

Editorial: Panetta Asia Trip Takeaways

US SecDef Leon Panetta
By Elizabeth Leader

The visit of U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to Southeast Asia last week reaffirmed the Obama administration’s commitment to an expanding U.S. military presence in the Asia-Pacific.  Although the administration has remained relatively mum in recent weeks about the so-called “pivot” (leading some to speculate that the strategy’s political viability was undergoing reassessment), and despite the looming threat of massive cuts to the U.S. defense budget,  Panetta asserted the position in a June 2 address in Singapore: “Make no mistake – in a steady, deliberate, and sustainable way the United States military is rebalancing and bringing an enhanced capability development to this vital region.” Here, are the most important takeaways from Panetta’s nine-day trip, and their implications for both U.S. policy and the regional dynamic: 

Read the full story at The Diplomat