14 June 2012

AUS: Navy Reservists bolster capability

Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Senator David Feeney visited Fleet Headquarters in Potts Point this week to meet serving part-time Navy Australian Navy (RAN) personnel.

Senator Feeney praised the dedication and expertise of the Navy Reserves and acknowledged the valuable contribution made by these part time-personnel to Navy’s capability.

“Reservists serve on a variety of operations and platforms including Armidale Class Patrol Boats in support of Operation RESOLUTE, Mine Warfare and Clearance Diving roles, and support of current and future Amphibious forces,” said Senator Feeney.

“Civilian employers are integral to the Navy’s part-time force as they agree to release Reservists for active duty when the call comes through,” he said.

Senator Feeney also met with the Commander Australian Fleet, Rear Admiral Tim Barrett, while at Fleet Headquarters, which is a major hub for Reservist support across the Navy.

Rear Admiral Barrett says recent changes in the way Reservists are managed has made them increasingly vital to the RAN.

“Reservists are no longer seen as a separate force in the Navy,” Rear Admiral Barrett said.

“They are fully integrated with the permanent Navy.”

There are approximately 2000 Active Reservists employed across the RAN this year.