04 June 2012

AUS: Defence project approvals

Stephen Smith

Minister for Defence Stephen Smith and Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare today announced the approval of four Defence projects, bringing the total number of projects approved this year to 11, worth over $2.6 billion.

This follows on from the record number of 49 capability projects approved in 2011, worth over $6 billion. In the next Financial Year, around $9 billion in projects are planned to be considered for approval by Government.

The four approvals announced today are:

  1. First pass approval for ADF Identification Friend or Foe (ADF IFF) capabilities (Joint Project 90 Phase 1), which is cost capped between $100 million and $300 million;
  2. First pass approval for Land Force Mortar Replacement (Project LAND 136 Phase 1), which is cost capped at $100 million;
  3. First pass approval for Rapid Environmental Assessment (Joint Project 1770 Phase 1), which is cost capped at $100 million; and
  4. First pass approval for Deployable MCM – Organic Mine Counter Measures (Project SEA 1778 Phase 1) which is cost capped at $100 million.

ADF Identification Friend or Foe (JP 90 Phase 1)

The Government has given First Pass approval for a project to replace the Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) and Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) systems currently utilised by the Australian Defence Force (ADF). The ADF uses IFF and SSR to conduct safe operations through the identification of friendly forces within a field of unidentified contacts. These upgrades will continue to prevent incidents of “friendly fire” and promote air safety.

IFF also allows interoperability with allies such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation members and the United States in combat theatres. The ADF will upgrade IFF and SRR systems for a number of land, air and maritime platforms, including the RBS-70 Ground Based Air Defence systems, the F/A-18A ‘Classic’ Hornet and the KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport.

Land Force Mortar Replacement (Land 136 Phase 1)

The Government has given First Pass approval for Defence to investigate replacement of the Australian Army’s 81mm mortar system under LAND 136 Phase 1 (Land Force Mortar Replacement).

This project will acquire a modern, digital mortar system which will deliver more responsive, precise fire support for the Land Force. Funding has been approved for First Pass to Second Pass work. This work includes project development and risk mitigation studies, including investigation of the mortar system solution.

Rapid Environmental Assessment and Deployable MCM (JP 1770 Phase 1) – Organic Mine Counter Measures (SEA 1778 Phase1)

The Government has given First Pass approval for Joint Project 1770 Phase 1 – Rapid Environmental Assessment and SEA 1778 Phase 1 – Deployable MCM – Organic Mine Counter Measures. Together, these projects will provide the ADF with a variety of deployable systems that will increase the safety and effectiveness of deployed maritime operations through enhancing the collection, processing, storage and dissemination of maritime environmental data, and will allow the ADF to detect and destroy possible mine threats to deployed maritime forces.

Project approvals in 2012

                                   First Pass Approvals

Project Title
Total project value $million
JP901ADF Identification Friend or Foe (ADF IFF)$100 to $300
LAND1361Land Force Mortar ReplacementUp to $100
JP17701Rapid Environmental AssessmentUp to $100
SEA17781Deployable MCM – Organic Mine Counter MeasuresUp to $100
Total: 4 
Second Pass Approvals 
 NoPhProject Title
Total project value $million
AIR80004Additional C-17 Globemaster$270
JP30331Interim Maritime Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Capability$130
AIR80002Battlefield Airlift – Caribou Replacement$1400
   Classified Project (1) 
Total: 4 
Other Approvals 
 NoPhProject Title
Total project value $million
LAND1163.2Thales Production (Long Lead Items)$16
AIR53493EA-18G Growler Airborne Electronic Attack Capability (Long Lead Items)$20
SEA10001&2Future Submarine Design and Construction (Initial Consideration and Studies)$214
Total: 3