15 June 2012

AUS: Afghan and Australian special operations neutralise suicide bomb network and capture key insurgents

Afghan National Security Force (ANSF) and Special Operations Task Group (SOTG) personnel have detained several key insurgents during counter-insurgency missions in May, including a number of suspected insurgent commanders.

Force elements also detained persons of interest who are believed to be responsible for a suicide bomb attack in Tarin Kot on 20 May 2012, in which two coalition soldiers were killed and eight others wounded.

Special Operations Task Group Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel J said these insurgents were likely involved in a range of activities throughout the province.

“The insurgents detained are suspected of being experienced improvised explosive device builders – including suicide bombs – and facilitators. One was also likely involved in the procurement of materials for explosive device production,” Lieutenant Colonel J said.

Another insurgent commander is suspected of direct involvement in targeting Afghan Government officials.

Lieutenant Colonel J said the removal of these alleged insurgent commanders was a significant result.

“The unrelenting pressure of Afghan National Security Force and Special Operations Task Group operations in recent months has continued to degrade insurgent leadership, which has lowered insurgent morale and willingness to fight,” he said.

“By removing key leaders from their positions of command we are continuing to disrupt insurgent networks, which is reducing their effectiveness and making Uruzgan Province safer,” Lieutenant Colonel J said.

“We are likely to see the halting of operations and a reduction in the frequency of insurgent attacks because of the loss of these commanders.”