28 March 2012

News Story: Cocos Islands airfield not ready for spy drones, says Stephen Smith


THE Cocos Islands' airfield would require a $75 million-$100 million upgrade before the territory could be used as a base for US drones, says Defence Minister Stephen Smith.

Amid heightened Chinese sensitivities over Australian-US military ties, Mr Smith played down the short-term prospects of using the Cocos Islands - a remote group of coral atolls and islands in the Indian Ocean - as a staging point for US spy flights.

Pentagon planners are considering basing Global Hawk drones and manned surveillance aircraft from the Cocos Islands - about 2750km northwest of Perth - to carry out patrols far out over the northern oceans.

Mr Smith said he and his US counterparts had agreed a “substantial infrastructure upgrade” was required before the Cocos Islands could be considered for use as a joint US-Australian base.

Read the full story at The Australian