28 March 2012

News Story: Analysts: Russia Will Yield to US at India's Arms Market

The US will outrange Russia in military exports to India since 2013, said Igor Korotchenko, director of World Arms Trade Analytic Center (WATAC).

"Russia secured top position at Indian arms market since 2008 through 2011 with about $7.16 bln which is 51.6% of India's overall military import. As of mid-March 2012, WATAC estimates India's backlog of import orders for 2012-2015 as $40.58 bln. Over 14.6 bln (36%) of that sum fall on Russia", said Korotchenko the day before opening of Defexpo India-2012 exhibition, reports RIA Novosti. 

Therefore, according to WATAC, in the next 4 years Russia will double arms export to India, but portion of Russian weapons in India's military import will decrease by one third. "Competition of world's leading arms exporters in Indian market is expected to aggravate. Beginning from 2013, the US will become the leader at Indian arms market", forecasted Korotchenko.

Read the full story at RusNavy