27 March 2012

Editorial: Obama Drops the Ball on India

By Patrick Christy

Indian firms should be a boon for American workers. So why has the administration been dragging its feet on trade deals?

The White House took great pains to brand President Barack Obama’s 2010 visit to India as a jobs trip. At every turn, it seemed, the White House press machine rolled out a new advisor to speak about the president’s efforts to “expand U.S. export opportunities and jobs” for American workers. And Obama himself stated that: “As we look to India today, the United States sees an opportunity to sell our exports in one of the fastest-growing markets in the world. For America, this is a jobs strategy.”
Yet, when it comes to India, the administration is dropping the ball. Although trade between the United States and India has increased, the economic relationship hasn’t yet reached its full potential. To do so, the administration should finalize a mutually beneficial investment treaty with India, and move forward on steps to negotiate a comprehensive Free Trade Agreement. These pacts would link American companies – and American workers – to important opportunities presented by India’s growing economy. In turn, this would lead to new jobs, and further link the United States to a critical Asia-Pacific partner.

Read the full story at The Diplomat