03 December 2011

Bell Helicopter Delivers 412s to Sri Lanka Air Force

One of two Bell 412s delivered
to the Sri Lanka Air Force

Fort Worth, TX – December 1, 2011 – Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. company (NYSE: TXT), announced today it delivered two Bell 412s to the Sri Lanka Air Force during a ceremony at its facility in Piney Flats, Tennessee.

“We’ve had a strong partnership with the Sri Lanka Air Force for more than 40 years,” said Larry D. Roberts, senior vice president for Bell Helicopter’s Commercial Business. “This is a great day for Bell Helicopter as we continue to celebrate this relationship,” he said.

Attending the ceremony and accepting the keys to the new Bell 412s was Air Marshall Abeywickrema representing the Sri Lanka Air Force.

“The Bell 412 is highly reliable and a capable product for our mission needs,” said Sri Lanka Air Force’s Commander Air Marshall HD Abeywickrema. “Dependable Bell products and the customer support and service we’ve received over the years are what we value. We look forward to continuing that relationship in the months and years to come,” he said.

The Sri Lanka military operates a large fleet of helicopters in Sri Lanka with the majority of them being Bell Helicopter products.