01 October 2011

News Story: (AUS) Defence a re-run of Gough Whitlam thinking

Greg Sheridan

WOMEN in the front line, plaudits from the Sex Discrimination Commissioner (that noted arbiter of military effectiveness), swingeing budget cuts to defence, but promises on the never-never that it will all be massively funded one day, long beyond the forward estimates: what can we make of the Gillard government's defence policy?

Is it that the spirit of the Whitlam government - its social priorities and its profound lack of seriousness in defence and national security - inhabits the government's soul?

The Gillard government is failing in national security and defence. This is a singular contrast to the Rudd government.

Since Harold Holt in the mid-1960s, Australia has had two prime ministers who were really serious about national defence: John Howard and Kevin Rudd.

Read the full stroy at The Australian