13 September 2011

News Story: (AUS) Think tank Smith pilots his own brand of civil defence

Being Defence Minister, he has been known to remark to friends privately, is like being foreign minister except that you have cash, capacity and assets.

He doesn't say such things much publicly. Of all the government's senior ministers, Smith is the most disciplined and careful about what he says.

In two senior portfolios - foreign affairs and defence - he hasn't made a notable, serious mistake. In a government that has struggled to produce good process, announcing a phantom East Timor detention centre that never came into existence or similarly announcing the Malaysia Solution long before it was agreed with the Malaysian government, this is a serious virtue.

Smith has put in a solid, respectable performance in both portfolios.

Read the full story at The Australian


The above article goes on to talk about the terror threat, Afghanistan, AUSMIN, ANZUS, US forces in Aus and the Aus Armed Forces Review, it’s a very interesting read.