25 August 2011

India: Initiation of Second Phase of Coastal Security

Consequent to the terrorist attack on Mumbai in November 2008, the Coastal security apparatus in the country was reviewed by the Cabinet Committee on Security on 16th February 2009, and the following steps were taken:-

(i) Joint Operation Centers (JOC) have been set up at Mumbai, Visakhapatnam, Kochi and Port Blair, jointly manned and operated by the Navy and Coast Guard.

(ii) Establishment of a National Command, Control, Communication and Intelligence Network for a real-time maritime domain awareness linking operations rooms of the Navy and Coast Guard, both at the field and the apex levels.

(iii) Action has been initiated for formation of 'Sagar Prahari Bal' for the force protection duties for Indian Navy comprising of 1000 men and 80 Fast Interceptor Crafts.

(iv) Surface and air surveillance has been enhanced by Indian Navy and Coast Guard Ships and aircraft along the coast and in all offshore development areas.

(v) Coastal security Exercises are conducted regularly on the east and west coasts.

(vi) Awareness drives have been conducted by the Navy and the Coast Guard to sensitize the fishing communities on issues related to security threats from sea.

(vii) Long term measures include setting up of a Coastal Radar Station change and Auto Identification System (AIS).

(viii) Under Coastal Security Scheme steps have been taken for strengthening of Marine Police Force of coastal states and Union Territories.

Second Phase of Coastal Security Scheme is envisaged with the objective of bridging the gaps in the present Coastal Security system with a view to strengthen it further.

The Sagar Prahari Bal has been raised by the Navy for force protection, security of naval bases and co-located Vulnerable Assets (VAs) and Vulnerable Points (VPs). The sanctioned manpower of 1000 personnel is for these roles/tasks.

This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Shrimati Gundu Sudharani and Shri Nand Kumar Sai in Rajya Sabha today