05 August 2011

India: Crash of MIG-29K Aircraft

A Prototype MiG-29KUB (Trainer) met with an accident on 23rd June, 2011 in Russia. The aircraft belonged to Russian Aircraft Corporation (RAC) MiG, the manufacturer of the aircraft, and was utilized towards testing of systems and aircraft flight profiles. In this regard, RAC MiG requested the Indian Navy to temporarily suspend operation of the aircraft MiG-29K held in India pending report on the cause of accident.

A memorandum was served on 28th June, 2011 to RAC MiG to ensure that all matters on the MiG-29K aircraft of concern or requiring the attention of the Indian side be intimated on top priority without delay. Further, a detailed report on the cause of the accident has been sought from RAC MiG.

RAC MiG intimated on 28th June 2011 that based on analysis of data downloaded from the onboard flight data recorder, the Chief Designer of the MiG 29K/KUB has concluded that there were no shortcomings with regard to serviceability of aircraft systems, power plant and avionics.

RAC MiG therefore recommended the resumption of flying of MiG-29K/KUB aircraft in India without any restrictions. Further, RAC MiG has brought out in 1st week of July, 2011 that based on analysis of data from the onboard flight data recorder as well as examination of the aircraft wreckage, the investigation Board preliminarily concludes that all the aircraft systems, power plant and onboard equipment have worked normally from the beginning of the flight till collision with the ground. No destruction of airframe in the air has been noted.

There is no impact on the already concluded contract as the preliminary report of the Board, as intimated by RAC MiG, has brought out that the accident has not occurred due to failure or malfunction of aircraft systems.

This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Shri R Thamaraiselvan in Lok Sabha today.