20 August 2011

AUS: New direction for ADF Reserve capability

Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Senator David Feeney today foreshadowed a new direction in Australian Defence Force (ADF) Reserve capability.

This new direction will enhance the ADF’s ability to meet operational requirements to defend national security.

“The unifying quality of the Australian Reserve community can be summed up in one word: teamwork,” Senator Feeney said.

“This teamwork was clearly on display in recent months as Army and the Reserve community developed a modernisation plan which will optimise the Reserves’ contribution to capability within a Total Force construct.

“Reserve Modernisation Workshops and broad consultation with stakeholders such as the Defence Reserve Association (DRA) have shaped Army’s PlanBeersheba, which will increase Reserve integration into Army’s force generation cycle,” Senator Feeney said.

“Reserve integration within the Total Force will optimise the delivery of specified war fighting capabilities, such as stabilisation operations.

“The Royal Australian Navy and Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) continue to progress integration with innovation and professionalism. For example, in Navy, Reservists have been incorporated into the new intelligence specialisation and the RAAF are creating an improved integrated training system for Reservists,” Senator Feeney said.

“The Labor Government’s commitment to greater integration will be supported by a range of other Government initiated measures, including Plan SUAKIN. 

“Plan SUAKIN is examining the Reserve employment model and conditions of service to better align capability requirements with employment conditions,” Senator Feeney said.  

These initiatives implement White Paper and Strategic Reform Program commitments.