26 August 2011

AUS: Criticisms of MU90 Torpedo Project & AUS DoD Response

Navy at sea over French manual


Australia's defence procurement agency has tendered for someone to translate the highly classified instructions for a new torpedo, revealing that the technical documents that come with the weapon are written in Italian and French.


Read the full story at The Age


Damn the torpedoes: Defence's $600m blunder

The Defence Force's long-delayed $600 million purchase of anti-submarine torpedoes has suffered another humiliating setback

The Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) is now tendering for translators at a reported cost of around $110,000 after it was discovered the technical documentation for the European-designed weapons are written only in Italian and French

Read the full story at ABC


Response to Criticisms of MU90 Torpedo Project

An article in some Fairfax media papers today (Lost for words, a Navy all at sea, 26 August 2011) and more widely reported in the electronic media contains information that is wrong in fact and misleading.

The article refers to the need to translate technical documents and instructions for the MU90 Light Weight Torpedo into English.

This is not correct.

As a condition of contract all key project documentation including technical instructions from the supplier has been delivered in English.

The MU90 torpedo is a complex anti-submarine warfare weapon and is a joint French and Italian development.

Defence is taking advantage of additional test data from these countries as a way to reduce costs and minimise the number of formal ship trials for the Australian MU90 program to finalise the acceptance into ADF service process.

Torpedo trials are very expensive and each test firing is a significant exercise in its own right. Being able to examine and use the results of other countries’ trials saves the Australian taxpayer a lot of money.

To date the French and Italian Navy testing programs have involved the firing of over 200 MU90 torpedoes.  It is the reports and data from these tests - conducted by the French and Italian Navy for their own purposes and provided to Australia - that is in French and Italian and needs to be translated into English.

As a Project of Concern the MU90 Light Weight Torpedo replacement project receives Government, Defence and equipment supplier oversight. 


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