05 May 2011

Brunei: Deputy Minister of Defence Visits RBAF Soldiers in Lebanon

Story  & Photos by Major (U) Norudin Salleh

LEBANON, Friday 29 April 2011 - The Deputy Minister of Defence Dato Paduka Haji Mustappa bin Haji Sirat paid a visit to the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) personnel at the United Nations Interim Force in South Lebanon (UNIFIL) this week. Also attending the trip was Mohd Sahrip bin Othman (Deputy Permanent Secretary), Colonel Pg Zulkifli bin Pg Hj Ismail (Deputy Commander RBLF) and Major (U) Norudin bin Salleh (Military Spokesman).

In UNIFIL in South Lebanon, the delegation visited MALBATT 3 HQ at Tibinin Camp and MALCON EAST 6 at Koukaba Camp. Here the delegation was briefed by the respective Commander on history, organization, tasks and challenges faced by them. Thereafter the delegation had the opportunity to talk to RBAF personnel  with regards to  their tasks and conditions, how the soldiers’ effort contributes to the possibility of the contingents of other countries to maintain the mandate for the UN Interim Force in South Lebanon.

Brunei Darussalam remains committed to its peacekeeping mission with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). The latest deployment which consists of twenty RBAF personnel was sent off this year in January. It was the fifth dispatch since 2008 to be deployed in Lebanon to supervise peacekeeping and security mission in the country.

Then the delegation proceeded to Beirut on 24 until 27 April 2011. Here the Deputy Minister of Defence met with the Malaysian Ambassador and talked to UNIFIL Force Commander Major General Alberto Asarta (Spain).

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) was established by UN Security Council resolution 425 and 426 of 19 March 1978 with a view to supervising the armistice between Lebanon and Israel. As a result of the conflict between Israel and the Hizbollah in the summer of 2006, the UN adopted a new and stronger mandate for UNIFIL by Security Council resolution 1701 on 11 August 2006.

Its overall purpose was to support the Lebanese government in expanding its execution of authority to the entire country in order to prevent renewed battles, and thus establish the proper framework for a lasting peace solution.