26 May 2011

India: Antony asks Navy to take stock of its Operational Preparedness

Indian Navy to Work only under UN Mandated Groupings Against Piracy : Antony

The Defence Minister Shri AK Antony today asked the top brass of the Indian Navy to take stock of the level of its operational preparedness from time to time in view of the volatile neighbourhood and the challenges of the Indian Ocean Rim (IOR). Addressing the Naval Commanders here this morning Shri Antony said ‘recent incidents in our neighbourhood’ have strongly underlined the need to maintain constant vigil.

“The Challenges of the Indian Ocean Rim (IOR) and the volatile neighbourhood we live in, make it imperative for us to maintain operational readiness at all times. Recent incidents in our neighbourhood have strongly underlined the need to maintain constant vigil. The Navy needs to take stock of the level of operational preparedness from time to time”, Shri Antony said.

The Defence Minister spoke on a wide range of issues and challenges that faces the Indian Navy. Describing piracy as a continuing cause of major concern, Shri Antony said the menace needs a concerted effort and a collective response from the international community. While assuring that Indian Navy would continue to work with all Navies operating in the Gulf of Aden, he ruled out India becoming a member of any multilateral groupings unless these are under a UN mandate.

Turning to coastal security, Shri Antony said the government has made considerable progress in plugging the gaps but a lot more still needs to be done. He said, various agencies need to adopt a far more collaborative and cooperative approach. Shri Antony said strengthening our coastal security is inextricably linked to the security of island territories. He called for drawing up a long term strategic plan to enhance the security of Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep & Minicoy islands. He said, the government has accorded approval for forward naval bases at Tuticorin, Kamarta, Diglipur, Campbell Bay and Paradweep.

Referring to the modernization of the Navy Shri Antony said, the government is fully committed to achieve this goal. He said, 34 ships and submarines are in various stages of construction at different indigenous shipyards. He also said that a large number of contracts have been concluded for acquisition of aircraft, destroyers, fleet tanker, jet trainers, missiles, UAVs, radars etc.

The meeting was attended among others by the Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Nirmal Verma, Defence Secretary Shri Pradeep Kumar, Senior Officers of the Indian Navy and MoD.

Indian Press Information Bureau