23 May 2011

Brunei: 5th ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM), Jakarta, Indonesia

INDONESIA, Thursday 19 May 2011 - The 5th ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) was held in Jakarta Convention Centre, Indonesia on 19 May 2011. Brunei Darussalam was represented by Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Paduka Haji Mohammad Yasmin bin Haji Umar, Minister of Energy at the Prime Minister’s Office. Also present, was Permanent Secretary (Defence Policy and Development), Haji Awang Saifulbahri bin Haji Awang Mansor, in his capacity as ADSOM Leader.

The session opened with presentations of two reports on the ASEAN Defence Senior Officials’ Meeting (ADSOM) and ASEAN Defence Senior Officials’ Meeting-Plus (ADSOM-Plus) which was held in Yogyakarta on 27 to 29 April 2011.  The Meeting was also updated on a report of the 8th ACDFIM held in Jakarta on 31 March 2011.

The Meeting progressed with the exchange of views on defence and security related issues in the region by every ASEAN Member States. Non-traditional security issues such as natural disasters, climate change, small arms trafficking, human trafficking and other common threats had dominated the Meeting as they are relevant to the on-going initiatives under the ADMM.

The Meeting continued with the discussion of the three initiatives on the ADMM Three-Year-Work-Program (2011-2013), the Establishment of ASEAN Peacekeeping Centres Network and the ASEAN Defence Industry Collaboration.

Since the establishment of ADMM, several progresses have been achieved through dialogue and cooperation such as in the areas of Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR), maritime security and peacekeeping operations. Under the ADMM framework, there was more active role and participation of ASEAN defence officials in regional and international security cooperation.

A Joint Declaration of the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting on Strengthening Defence Cooperation of ASEAN in the Global Community to Face New Challenges was also adopted and signed by the Ministers at the end of the Meeting.

Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Paduka Haji Mohammad Yasmin bin Haji Umar also had the opportunity to conduct several bilateral meetings with Cambodia, Singapore and Thailand. During these bilateral meetings, Brunei Darussalam and the respective countries agreed to further strengthen defence cooperations through dialogue/meeting, trainings, education, exercises and other collaborative efforts towards the development of the Armed Forces.

On 20 May 2011, ADMM Leaders made courtesy calls to His Excellency Dato Laila Utama, Dr. Haji. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the President of the Republic of Indonesia.