19 May 2011

AUS: US-Australian Cooperation on Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Assistance

The Parliamentary Secretary for Defence, Senator David Feeney, today welcomed the Regional Senior Leaders Seminar in Cairns Queensland (16-19th May 2011). 

The United States Government’s Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance co-hosted the forum with Australia’s Asia Pacific Civil-Military Centre of Excellence.

“The Asia Pacific Civil-Military Centre of Excellence is doing a fantastic job.  This is another opportunity for experts in the fields of conflict and disaster management to meet and share knowledge,” Senator Feeney said.

“The tragic earthquake and tsunami in Japan and our floods and fires at home, are a reminder of how important these capabilities are today and into the future.  It’s also great to see such close cooperation between the United States and Australia,” Senator Feeney said.

The Asia Pacific Civil-Military Centre of Excellence Executive Director, Major General (retd) Michael G. Smith AO, said the program was unique because it provides emerging leaders in the twin fields of conflict and disaster management with the opportunity to apply new thinking and examine innovative ways to respond to unique and complex challenges.