06 May 2011

AUS: Navy’s oldest WWI veteran passes away

On behalf of the Royal Australian Navy, Vice Admiral Russ Crane, Chief of Navy, has expressed his condolences to the Choules family at the passing of Claude Choules.

Mr Choules passed away early this morning at the age of 110.

CAPT Brett Wolski, Commanding Officer HMAS Stirling, said that the loss of Claude Choules to the wider Navy family was considerable.

"Our thoughts are with Claude’s family at this sad time." he said.

"Claude served in the Royal Navy during WWI and then with the Royal Australian Navy in WWII. His career has spanned some of the most significant events in maritime history this century."

Speaking on behalf of Claude Choules’ family, Claude’s daughter, Anne said: ‘Dad was always proud of his Navy service and considered it his other family. We are grateful for the Navy’s continued association with the family and their recognition of our father’s life.’

To read about Claude Choules Navy Background go to the full story at: Navy’s oldest WWI veteran passes away