06 May 2011

AUS: Government agreement to progress two major Defence Capability Projects

The Minister for Defence, Stephen Smith, and Minister for Defence Materiel, Jason Clare today announced that the Government has given approval to progress two major Australian Defence Force (ADF) capability projects.

These two projects combined are estimated to involve expenditure of up to $1 billion by the time they are complete.

Joint Project 2072 Phase 2B – Battlespace Communications System (Land): First Pass

The Government has given first pass approval to Joint Project 2072 Phase 2B, which is aimed at providing the ADF with a next generation telecommunications network capability.  This capability will provide a modern, deployable communications system that enables the transmission of information over a range of wired and wireless networking services, such as radios, satellite and computer servers and terminals.  

Joint Project 2072 Phase 2B is cost capped between $100 million and $500 million. The Government is expected to make a final decision on approval for the project in the period 2012-13 to 2014-15.

The ability to access and exchange large amounts of multimedia data is becoming increasingly important for the effective conduct of modern combat operations.

This Project will enable Army and elements of the Air Force to replace ageing mobile communications infrastructure services and provide commanders with an increased level of situational awareness, command and control and information sharing capability. 

This equipment will greatly enhance Defence’s ability to use modern information technology to link sensors, weapon systems, commanders and personnel in a networked environment.

Joint Project 2080 Phase 2B.1 – Funded Project Definition Study for Defence Personnel Systems Modernisation

The Government has given approval for the Department of Defence to conduct pre-first pass analysis to investigate the costs and risks associated with streamlining and improving its human resources and payroll systems for military and civilian personnel.

The Defence Personnel Systems Modernisation (DPSM) project is a major Defence project and critical part of the Strategic Reform Program.  It will provide a single, unified human resources and payroll system.

It is also expected to improve the administration of human resources and payroll within Defence and enable major reforms in key business support areas such personnel administration, career management, education and training, workforce planning and enterprise reporting.  Some key benefits anticipated from the project include enhanced self-service capability and reporting, increased automation and greater supportability.

Joint Project 2080 Phase 2B.1 is cost capped between $100 million and $500 million.

Defence will now report to Government in Financial Year 2011-12 on its requirements and implementation options with a vital requirement being the integration of the military payroll capability into Defence’s core personnel management system, which is currently used to pay over 20 000 Defence civilian employees.