21 May 2011

AUS: 2011 Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting

The Parliamentary Secretary for Defence, Senator David Feeney, attended the 2011 Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM) at Puckapunyal Military Range.

The AASAM is designed to pitch the best soldiers against each other in a tough combat-like environment.  Since 1984, AASAM has been Australia’s premier military shooting tournament, with a growing international reputation.  

This year the competition included teams from: Australia, Canada, France (FFNC), Indonesia, Timor Leste, Brunei, Netherlands, US Marines, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and a contingent of Japanese observers.

“It was a privilege to see such expert soldiers in action.  Irrespective of nationality, the common language was marksmanship,” Senator Feeney said.

“This year was also the first year that computer simulation has been introduced into the military shooting competition.  Matches replicate some of the conditions of current operational environments and are an excellent way of validating our current doctrine and training,” the Senator said.

Event organisers Lieutenant Colonel (LTCOL) Wally Jensen and Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) Wayne Richards said they were delighted with the increased level of participation from both ADF and International Teams.

Both LTCOL Wally Jensen and LCDR Wayne Richards are Australian Reservists.

“The Champion Shot of the Army competition for 2011 has been the most demanding ever conducted, in terms of the environment, equipment and number of matches fired,” LTCOL Jensen said.

LTCOL Jensen said: “Those individuals who achieved Top 20 status in the competition can proudly say they are among the best shots in our Army.”

Senator Feeney also toured the Road Transport Wing and Land Warfare Development Centre whilst at Puckapunyal.